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Children Praying
Just As I Am

Calvary Worship Center

14901 Burnet Road

Austin, Texas 78728 

Sabbath (Saturday)  10:30 AM


Are you in need of hope and healing?

Are you searching for direction in your life?

How about a family?


At “Just As I Am” we love God and people.


God provides resources that can help you on your life's journey.

Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God

 like a child shall not enter it."" (Mar 10:15 ESV)

What God can do IS miraculous!


Phone  512-520-2424

Evidence that God Exists

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Just As I Am

Church of God 7th Day


Please come - join a family and help us grow and reach the lost and those in need!

At Just As I Am Church, we know that inspiration opens hearts. An open heart is an open mind and an open mind is one that can practice LOVE, experience gratitude and feel the glory of God. It is our belief that God is present in all Christians by His Spirit, but His active presence can only be experienced through faith in Him. We are dedicated to the service of God and all his people, and our goal is to inspire you through the holiness of our Savior and our service to others. We invite you to become a part of our growing congregation. Our goal is to be a...

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The Bible is our guide in the faith given by our Lord Jesus Christ!

The following link presents some basic teachings. 

We have open doctrine, subject to change based on more accurate scriptural understanding.

Lee Strobel: The Case for Christ

Is Jesus Christ the Son of God or is he a fraud?

Lee Strobel, a former investigative journalist for the Chicago Tribune, investigated the evidence that Jesus Christ is the son of God after his wife became a Christian. Lee in a humorous and at times honestly painful way speaks of the emptiness and dysfunctionality of his life without God and then the life changing results of his quest to find the truth about Jesus Christ.

What Does God Want From You When You Have Done Everything You Can


Ron Dart of Christian Education Ministries has written a very powerful article on what God wants from us when everything has gone wrong in our lives. It is a very powerful and inspiring article/booklet. 

I have included the first few paragraphs and then list the link.  I urge you to share this article with others as it will make a difference in their lives!

Staying Power
By: Ronald L. Dart

What do you do when you have already done all you can? You are in trouble and there is no way out. You are sick and the doctors have done all they can. You are persecuted and there is no relief. You have made every effort, tried every option, and still see no way out. The matter is out of your hands. What do you do now?

The question seems contradictory. After all, if you have done all you can do, then there is nothing left to do, is there? Well, there is the old saying, “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” If that doesn’t seem very helpful, think about this:

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him about the end of the world, He warned them that things would get out of control. Nation would rise against nation, there would be earthquakes, famines, wars, persecutions. Brother would betray brother, He said, and many faithful people would lose their lives. All of this warns of a time when things will be completely beyond our control.

Then, when He had told them all these things, He told them the most important thing of all. He said this: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24:13).

So you have done all that you can. You have met your problems head on, you have fought against the devil to the end of your strength, and you seem to have lost. Your life is no longer in your own hands, and your hands are tied. The devil’s millions have put you in jail, slammed and bolted the door, and have thrown away the key. Your life is out of your hands now.

Well, not quite. There is still one more thing you can do–you can endure. That which endures, lasts. It has staying power. It does not quit or give up–even when defeated. Those who are going to be saved, then, must have staying power. There are people who win, not because they are bigger, better, or smarter, but because they have one thing their opponent does not. Call it grit, determination, or even stubbornness, but they simply outlast their enemy.

Where we meet. 

Just As I Am Church 

Meeting  Location

Just As I Am   c/o


Calvary Worship Center

14901 Burnet Road

Austin, Texas 78728 

Sabbath (Saturday)  10:30 AM

Phone 512-520-2424

Where we meet...

14901 Burnet Road

Austin, TX 78641

Phone 512-520-2424

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Opening Hours

Come Worship with Us!



10:30 AM 

 Jesus said,

"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.  10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.  11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."  (Joh 10:9-11 NKJ)

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